
A New Look

Alright everyone. If you're reading this then you must be on my blog and if you have ever visited before you will have already noticed some massive changes.
First off, the new layout. This IS a nature photography blog and being able to display photographs properly - in my opinion - means that they are large enough to see in detail. Everyone will obviously agree with me. My old layout however didn't allow that, as my images had to be posted a very small size if they were to fit in the post column. This layout allows my images to be posted nice and big which makes viewing easier and allows for much great detail in the individual photos.
Also up near the blog title you will see tabs which go to individual pages of my blog ("About", "Contact", "Links"). This feature allows for a lot easier navigation (for example if you want to send me an email, jump to the "Contact" page and you'll be ready to go...no more scrolling around looking for stuff randomly placed on sidebars). I will update the pages with time and will add more in the future.
All in all I think that this new layout with lots of new features fits perfectly. My old one was several years old and was very outdated. This new one is great for displaying photography (the whole purpose of this blog) and is designed around making it a much smoother ride for you, the reader.

This upgrade is long overdue!


1 comment:

JW said...

Very nice! Makes me want to look into revamping my blog!